Comment on Go into debt if you have to 1 month ago
Ima just leave this here, Climate Town’s discussion of Natural Gas (or what we call Methane. Fart gas.)
He explains how it’s a LNG is really fucking everyone over. Some points: ~ NG infrastructure is leaky and causes lots of non-point-source pollution. ~ Methane was supposed to be a transitional energy source as we moved towards renewables, but instead we’re leaning heavily on methane while China is securing all the science patents and materials for solar. ~ LNG is super inefficient. I think like 20% of it is used up in the liquification process, which is required for transit overseas. This is to sell it to nations abroad. ~ Since we’re really trying to get to renewables, everyone buying LNG is a jerk, and everyone selling it is also a jerk. ~ If even one of these supertankers has a rupture incident, it will fuck the Earth, and I’ll be sore as I watch wildfire ravage California, and by east coast buddies get hammered by hurricanes. Also we’ll be closer to permanent drought and then global famine. ~ Seriously, Methane is bad. NG infrastructure should be moved away from as quickly as possible. LNG is really extra super bad, and can ruin our kids’ futures.