Comment on The Passing and Lessons of Jimmy Carter 2 months ago
“Hunter deButts” lol
But seriously, how dare Biden take the passing of great former president Carter to talk shit about Trump when asked a direct question? - And with that out of the way, I’ll take the passing of great former president Carter to tak shit about Biden on my own initiative. 2 months ago
For those who might not read the article, Biden made his comment in response to a reporter asking him what Trump should take from Carter’s legacy. Biden’s response was:
“Decency, decency, decency. Can you imagine Jimmy Carter walking by someone who needed something and just keep walking? Can you imagine Jimmy Carter referring to someone by the way they look or the way they talk?” 2 months ago
I feel I summed up the opinion piece pretty well without having to resort to complete quotes, and offered a rather clear analysis of the tone and intent of the “article”.
But since we mention decency, I feel moved to remark how decent Carter was when half the foreign aid allocated to Africa went to Mobutu in Zaire. Oh, such decency! As decent as Biden sending bombs to drop on children.