Comment on Can't trust them with anything :/ ⁨6⁩ ⁨days⁩ ago

To be fair, their constitution was so bad, they got a contingent election on the 3rd presidential election, and had to fix the “electors casting two votes” issue.

Also, wtf is a supreme court only needing senate confirmation? Why the fuck does the house not have a say? I thought “Big State Small State” balance, seems like small states have more say in supreme court justices. (oh yea, seems like a feature, not a bug, just as the founders intended)

Also, why is the number of seats not defined, I mean why have courts if any president could potentially just pack the court?

Also second amendment is so stupid. Worst amendment ever. Where the fuck is my god-given right to own a doomsday device? Why is it not included in the second amendment? Ya fucking tyrant. The country is already ruined form the start, fucking Federalists ruining everything. What next, trampling on my right to own a planet destroyer device?
