Comment on What games did you complete in 2024? ⁨2⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I in the last 4-ish months played through yonder, biomutant, ni no kuni 1+2, ff7 remake (#1), balan wonderland, several Lego games, star ocean integrity and faithlessness, tandem, all the cat quest games, several “tales of” games, and a buttload more while I still had the ps+ subscription (which expired in like… August? I won’t count those cuz I had no life at the time. Still don’t but It was worse then.)

My big push at the moment is going through some of the ps3 era titles I’ve never played. I have so many games I buy and just sit on for years… I probably shouldn’t do that, but I buy used so it’s cheaper… But those unplayed games are mostly super long story focused games, so they take a hot minute to get through. I have a few upcoming tales of games, which I now own most of, star ocean, valkeria chronicles, and all the final fantasy games I never slogged through the overwhelming tutorial on and thus haven’t played.

Any games I finish, I enjoy enough to finish. I gave up pushing through bad media long ago because there’s so much more out there. I’ve been really into big story games with minimal or easy combat, but I also really like the short and simple games that you can get through entirely in 10 hours.

Tandem was a really cute one that stuck out. I got it purely because it was inexpensive. It’s a fairly short puzzle game where one character walks through a top-down view and the other is a side scroll view. You have to swap back and forth to use them both to solve puzzles. It’s not super difficult, but it is satisfying in difficulty.
