Feels bitter that justice never seems to come for the rich and powerful though.
Comment on Do you want the murderer of the UnitHealthcare CEO prosecuted?
thawed_caveman@lemmy.world 2 months ago
I want to live in civilization and i enjoy its benefits, so no, i can’t go around saying someone should be acquitted because the crime was based. We’ve collectively agreed to put the law above our feelings, that’s a good thing, i wish it was done more, so i’m doing my part and preparing to send him cigarettes in prison.
mortemtyrannis@lemmy.ml 2 months ago
comfy@lemmy.ml 2 months ago
We’ve collectively agreed to put the law above
I don’t remember agreeing to these laws. I break the dumbest ones constantly. Laws are made by politicians who are controlled by the owning class. They are enforced on us, not developed by us. That’s why corporations and their board of directors can rape the earth and kill thousands and millions while you and me can get jailed for petty little things.
sailingbythelee@lemmy.world 2 months ago
Jury nullification exists precisely because there is often a gap between legality and justice. It’s a way for the commoners to ensure justice when the nobility (CEOs and rich politicians, nowadays) make the laws in ways that exploit the commoners. It’s not so much about law vs. feelings as much as it is about offsetting the power of the powerful.
InternetCitizen2@lemmy.world 2 months ago
Double edge sword tho. Its also how Klan memberrs walk innocence from court. Hope he does not get caught tho.
sailingbythelee@lemmy.world 2 months ago
True, but we aren’t talking about whether jury nullification should exist. It already does exist and has for a 1000 years. The question is just when to use it. Like any right or privilege, it can be used unjustly. It is up to citizens to make sure it is used for good.