Comment on Wubuntu: The lovechild of Windows and Linux nobody asked for 2 months ago
People have been theming Linux to look like Windows for decades. The problem is, theming it doesn’t overcome the main sticking point, which is that Linux doesn’t run the software many people use for work. I use Linux for my main OS, but then I use Ableton Live, Capture One, the Affinity suite, Adobe Acrobat, Fusion 360, and many people depend on other Adobe software and other professional software. So I end up running both Linux and Windows. Theming just isn’t the main issue here. 2 months ago
Ableton + every VST I’ve tried works great in WINE. Can’t comment on the other stuff, although I think Fusion360 is on Linux. I know Autodesk ports some of their software to be natively available on Linux, like Maya. Not sure if Fusion360 is a part of that, though.
VS Code is on Linux. Probably not what you’re looking for when looking for a .NET IDE, though. Microsoft did make .NET core open source and available on Linux, though, along with the Mono project, which was originally a reverse engineering of .NET, so .NET development is possible on Linux, but I get why you use Windows for it, especially for legacy stuff.
IIRC Adobe software only has problems running due to the DRM they include. If someone perhaps found a way to run the software without the DRM, it could potentially work.