Comment on MPs back proposals to legalise assisted dying 2 months agoOr just people who feel like a burden.
Except we don’t “just” feel like a burden, we are very deliberately made to feel that way by ableist capitalism, with the help of the state, and a multi-trillion pound media industry that pushes that narrative relentlessly because we’re the easiest scapegoat to blame the empty tax pot and other ills of society on, to distract from those really to blame.
The “this is great, I’d rather die than be disabled” many abled people react to this legislation with is part of that ableist narrative, because they can see, even if they won’t register it consciously to themselves, how badly society treats disabled people, and realise it’d be easier for them to opt out if they hypothetically became disabled (which is millions of times more likely than them winning the lottery, for example), than to try and fix society for those already there.
(to be clear, I agree with you and am glad to see someone else who isn’t thrilled about this, and I’m just adding to your point because so many people completely neglect to take these factors in to account) 2 months ago
Except, the bill is about people on end of life pathways having dignity in their deaths, not anyone choosing to just end it because they don’t like their circumstances.
How society treats disabled people is terrible, I agree, but that isn’t what this bill is about 2 months ago
Is it really?
I’ll say it again:
One of them is right here telling you you’re wrong, and I’ve provided more than enough information for you to start understanding why. All you’re doing by refusing to listen, is reinforcing my point. 2 months ago
You’re actually straight wrong here. This is about terminal illness not disabilities. 2 months ago
It doesn’t impact you, your viewpoint it entirely irrelevant. Nobody who is disabled will suddenly be euthanised, and the links you provided are summed up as “we want more dignity, fuck everyone else until we get ours” which i don’t respect.
As someone with lived experience of a family member who would’ve benefitted from this bill as I watched them take 3 months to die, forgetting who their own family members where, constantly being given incredibly strong painkillers, spending hours in convulsions as the tumors ate away at their brain, I can confidently say you are the one who should listen to people who this actually impacts, while they’re still able to advocate for themselves.