Comment on These were found in Cascadia in mid-November. What are they? 3 months agoHypholoma fasciculare
Hmm. I at least don’t think that it’s fasciculare. The stipe should have a collar [1.1] (though, I question this as none of the images I see seem to shop a collar), which this doesn’t. The caps should be convex [1.1], which they aren’t — the babies are somewhat, but the mature one’s are wavy. From the picture’s that I’ve seen, the color is also off — they’re shown as more yellow [1.2][2], where this one is not yellow — the color of the specimens that I’ve observed is, in general, very different.
1. “Hypholoma fasciculare”. Wikipedia. Published: 2024-07-20T00:01Z. Accessed: 2024-11-24T03:50Z. 1. Image 2. Image 2. “Sulphur Tuft (Hypholoma fasciculare)”. iNaturalist. Accessed: 2024-11-24T03:52Z.…/48767-Hypholoma-fasciculare. - Image