Comment on Matrix coturn issues 3 months agoJust barely fixed that! Thanks! I have another issue thst I fommented about though:
Progress has been made!
So I got it working with the domain name. The turn testing tools now respond with relay and pin point the vps server! Nice!
However when I put the info into the matrix dendrite.yaml it still crashes. The logs say
“Invalid config file: yaml: line 210: did not find expected key”
“Invalid config file: yaml: line 206: did not find expected " - " indicator”
Line 210 and 206 refer to the turn section which is formatted:
turn: turn_user_lifetime: “5m” turn_uris: - -
turn_username: user turn_password: password 3 months ago
Throw the whole thing into a YAML linter: and see what it says. Likely a spacing/indent format error or something like that.