Comment on Matrix coturn issues 3 months agoAlright. I believe that means you need to fix your DNS.
"" is pointing to a different server, and not the one running coturn.
Do you use Cloudflare as a DNS provider? I mean I don't know how that works, since I've never used it... But judging by the following documentation:
I believe you need a dedicated record for the turn subdomain that's not "Proxied", but "DNS only". 3 months ago
Progress has been made!
So I got it working with the domain name. The turn testing tools now respond with relay and pin point the vps server! Nice!
However when I put the info into the matrix dendrite.yaml it still crashes. The logs say
“Invalid config file: yaml: line 210: did not find expected key”
“Invalid config file: yaml: line 206: did not find expected " - " indicator”
Line 210 and 206 refer to the turn section which is formatted:
turn: turn_user_lifetime: “5m” turn_uris: - - 3 months ago
Check your indentation. I'm not sure if Lemmy is messing with that, but there seems to be an additional space before turn_username and password in your config. And the dash should (I guess) be indented two spaces further than the previous line and then one space after the dash. I'm not sure if it's that. 3 months ago
Holy. Fuck. You just did it. You absolute madlad. It works no issues!!! 3 months ago
You're welcome! Glad I could help, happy self-hosting ☺️