It’s simpler to type a quick a text without needing a subject line. Also internet messaging is usually more secure because even though email now usually uses TLS it stored on your email providers server without encryption. Using apps like Signal this is not the case (texting still is unencrypted or proprietary though). 3 months ago
why people have moved from email to im is beyond me.
one gives up topical conversation threads with relevant aubject lines, easier search and retrieval, thread-specific groups and readers, more robust spam-filtration, the lack of necessity of a phone number, more flexible options for cross-platform access, downloadability of your messages, options to host your own server, and so on.
in return, you get perhaps a tad more convenience from an im – even that is debatable, though.
it’s high time we all returned to the friendly envelope instead of the intrusive chat bubble. 3 months ago 3 months ago
It’s convenience. That’s really it. And I don’t like to admit it, but that level of inconvenience is too high for me to try using it that way.