It’s so dumb, too. It really didn’t take long for TikTok to start skyrocketing after they made that change. But of course, they don’t realize their fuckup and roll it back, no no, short videos are a completely different offering. So, instead they glue YouTube Shorts onto the side and I guess, to convince themselves that it’s different, they restrict videos to 60 seconds.
Now you’ve got videos that are less than a minute long, which basically don’t ever contain useful infirmation, because they’re so short.
And you’ve got the 5+ minute videos, which try to insert enough padding to make it movie-length, so you essentially won’t find useful information in them either. 3 months ago
Absolutely correct. YT/Google rewards ad space, longer videos offer more ad space, more ads push longer videos to the top via the algorithm that rewards ads, therefore creators make longer videos full of garbage instead of content so they get the most views and paid more.