Comment on Local domains constantly time out according to Uptime-Kuma 3 months ago
- Is your uptime kuma server on the same machine as your other services?
- Are you using docker/podman? If so can you try to curl your services’ domain and see if they resolve? 3 months ago
Yes, Uptime-Kuma is running on the same domain as the other services, except the Nginx-Proxy-Manager, which runs on a VPS which I access via WireGuard. And yes, I’m using Docker. I tried curl’ing one of the domains from the Uptime-Kuma container and got the folllowing error:
curl: (35) OpenSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to
. So thanks, now I have an idea about what I should 3 months ago
If you ping the domain from inside the container, does it succeed? 3 months ago
Yep 3 months ago
seems like your DNS works fine but your certs doesn’t. Are you able to connect to your services on your browser normally, with SSL? 3 months ago
Sorry I’m a bit confused. What kind of tracker are you using in uptime-kuma and what address is it pointing to?