Virtue Signaling has to be one of the most overused phrases this decade. People are just trying to do good things 3 months ago
Politicians would be better focusing on things that matter like how the Democrats lost the election to Trump and how they’re going to win the midterms.
A crappy paper finding rude words and phrases on steam is not really worthy of anyone’s attention but Valve’s
“Millions” of examples sounds dramatoc until you look at how many billions of exchanges have been made in valves forums and comment pages. It needs addressing but it’s not of international or even national importance.
Instead of virtue signalling, Warren should be asking how the Dems managed to allow Biden a free ride through the primaries, held on til the bitter end blocking alternatives and then endorsing Harris blocking any debate.
I’d rather Warren focus on fixing the Democratic Party. A bit of democracy in the Democrat party would be a start. 3 months ago 3 months ago
Just a quick correction, this is Mark Warner, not Elizabeth Warren. Otherwise I agree with you though. 3 months ago
Guy wrote an essay on an article he didn’t read.