Comment on 10 newborns killed in India hospital fire 3 months ago
Bribing the person inspecting the building is always a lot cheaper in India than constructing the building to code.
Until smth like this happens and there are journalists poking around. All of a sudden, the authorities become unbribable bastions of virtue and actually make arrests. The media moves on two days later and it’s back to usual. 3 months ago
My boss, a few jobs ago, used to tell us all the dirty stories. My favorite was he was at some place to get some form of business license. He had waited a really long time to get the appointment. Apparently, the guy’s secretary was supposed to tell my boss about the expected bribe, and its amount. He went on into the office and sat down. Did you speak with my secretary on the way in? Yes. Oh good. long pause Didn’t she tell you something? No. Are you sure she didn’t… Look, we both know you need a bribe, so stop pussy footing around and tell me how much you want and we can both go about our day. Oh um, well bribe, um no, um you’ll have to go talk to her. No just tell me what you want and lets be done with it.
Stories about driving and traffic were always gems too.
Later, he went home and started a company in a tax-free zone, outsourcing most of our development for 1/4 of the cost. We had one project that got behind, it was promised on Tuesday, ran into Wednesday, at EOD her time she said she needed to leave and pick it up tomorrow, asked for permission. we were 30m away from being done, we asked her to stay. She became very upset and started to sob a little, we asked her what was wrong. Apparently if she was out after dark wild packs of dogs chased her home. I never did find out If that was a euphemism for rapists. We had another lead developer literally get run over by a bus. After then ran over him, they stopped and backed over him again.