Comment on Tips and tricks for beginners 3 months ago
I like to learn by reading regular old books. There should be plenty availible. Some textbooks, beginners books for hobbyists, some that go along with some experiment box... Starting with what is Ohm's law to how does an amplifyer work, flip-flops / whatever. I borrowed and/or bought some books about Arduino, because that's something I like more than analog circuits. I have one that is focused more on the programming part, but there are books with like 80 Arduino projects. You could try Fritzing or the official website for material and project ideas. But my current life-hack is visiting the library or buying a book that teaches things in a structured way. Unfortunately I can't give specific recommendations. My books are old and in German. 3 months ago
Thanks. Im definitely going to not start a lot of projects. I don’t have the time to spread myself thin.