Maybe you should spend less time on insulting people and more on communicating your thoughts clearly
meanwhile the communication
The whole thing is already a mess of capitalisation but more importantly then it’d be acceleration, not movement, worse, the specific properties of the earth are included twice (once in g, then in one of the mass terms).
man just leve i dont wanna communicate because you have no idea what you are talking about, i did give proper capitalusation in my comment, and earth properties included twice is another brain rot statement. 3 months ago
tell me how gM/m1 is not acceleration 3 months ago
You said it was movement, aka change in position over time, not acceleration, or you would have said “x will accelerate at”, not “earth will move at”. I already explained why it’s questionable as a term of acceleration.
And this could’ve been over after a single comment of you saying “oh, yeah, misspoke”. Your math checks out, that’s not the issue here, it’s your presentation that went all haywire. 3 months ago
literally trivil matter, i didnt even say movement, the point is your statements were still brain rot nonesense and your original comment is wrong and you dont really understand stuff 3 months ago
Clarity of presentation is never a trivial matter. You can be right all you like if you don’t get it across then it will be for nought but inflating your own ego.