I got super busy today and only just got back on now to see the idea seems to have some traction. I will try to post/comment there to get ball rolling.
I was thinking actually, you could have posts that, like I suggested, describe a strange situation and invite people to speculate on how it came about. But you could also give some sort of narrative that describes the circumstances instead and leads up to a point where you go “…and you’ll never guess what happened next!” or something to that effect.
tunetardis@lemmy.ca 4 months ago
Oh wow thank you so much!
I got super busy today and only just got back on now to see the idea seems to have some traction. I will try to post/comment there to get ball rolling.
I was thinking actually, you could have posts that, like I suggested, describe a strange situation and invite people to speculate on how it came about. But you could also give some sort of narrative that describes the circumstances instead and leads up to a point where you go “…and you’ll never guess what happened next!” or something to that effect.