Comment on Random Screenshots of my Games #37 - Call of Cthulhu 3 months agoI apparently have Conarium in my library already! I’ll have to check it out. Thanks for the recommendation!
Yeah, Call of Cthulhu is not really a Lovecraftian game. You could easily substitute any other creature and it would still play out the same. The only element of the old RPG game that really carried over is the sanity level. The tabletop game would have you roll for sanity checks every now and then and basically track your gain or loss of sanity, which could alter your character as the game progressed.
That, and the eldritch creatures, are about all these games share in common with each other, and both are very loosely based on the Lovecraft short story. So it’s about as far removed from an H.P. Lovecraft work as you can get. 3 months ago
Conarium is an interesting one. It’s a bit more walking sim than RPG, but there are different endings. I went through a Lovecraft video game kick a couple years ago too, lol.
I do want to try Old Gods Rising, but I just haven’t yet for whatever reason.