Yeah I know, I just said zed is faster. It doesn’t have all the features of Jetbrains IDE’s and never will. I agree it’s a different usecase and for me and what I do, zed feels amazing.
Comment on WebStorm and Rider Are Now Free for Non-Commercial Use 4 months agoWon’t speak to Webstorm, but hard disagree when it comes to Rider. VSCode/Zed really fit into an entirely different category from Jetbrains IDE’s. Lightweight editors vs full fat development environments. There are use cases for each. 4 months ago 4 months ago
I think the line between these two categories is less defined than it once was. A well set up vscode environment is functionally very comparable to the equivalent jetbrains product. The difference mostly lies I think it how “out of the box” the set up is. 4 months ago
As a C# developer on Linux, I wish this was more true than it is. Working on a multi project dotnet solution in VSCode is still far behind Visual Studio / Jetbrains Rider.
Its also worth pointing out that the more you add to VSCode, the slower it becomes. If you add the toolkits to make it compete with Jetbrains products, it isn’t nearly the same lightweight editor anymore. 4 months ago
Yeah I think it varies by ecosystem. Java and C# have really good IDE support, made possible because those languages were designed in a way that made the jobs of IDEs simpler. For more dynamic languages like JS and Python, there’s less that an IDE can offer that isn’t easily provided as a plugin. For languages like Rust I think there is more potential for high IDE support, but up to this point I think text editors have dominated due to general preference and a lack of entrenched ecosystem support.