Comment on What do I look out for regarding mold inside of an older house (1972)? 4 months ago
If it’s widespread, there will likely be some kind of strong smell that is not pleasant.
Are there signs of water damage anywhere in the house? Paint on the wall or ceiling that looks like it got wet at one point? That might be a good place to look for if it did happen.
Do you happen to know any professional contractors personally? Painters or handymen maybe? They’ve likely seen it before and have learned to spot the telltale signs. 4 months ago
Thankfully there aren’t any strong smells as far as I can tell. All the rooms smell pretty clean.
When we moved in there were a couple of sites of water damage that us and our home inspector could see in the basement. The biggest one was below the main bathroom, looked like a pipe busted at some point, but the inspector noted that it looked like it was cleaned up ok and that there didn’t look to be any mold growth on the spots he could see.
As far as anything recent, we haven’t had any notable water spillage since we moved in.
We’ve been looking into hiring a contractor for some remodeling work so I’ll be sure to ask when we’re talking through what we want with the house.
Thank you for the advice!