Comment on Netflix’s test of streaming games is small, but it’s poised to be a big deal ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

If. And this is the biggest if in history. But if Netflix and other streaming sites had the bandwidth and computing power to take on Nvidia.

Fuck. Just new era of Gaming. If you could stream games to Netflix Disney apple whatever. Play games on tvs everywhere. That would be an enormous change. I doubt it would happen as Nvidia is still struggling to get games on its service as devs just refuse.

But hopefully with a shake up we the consumers can finally get a bit of price parity.

Stop locking games behind consoles or overpriced gaming rigs. Far more competition in the gaming world would be epic.

Plus you could rock up anywhere with a controller in hand. Sign in and play to your hearts content.

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