The password manager SDK is not intended for public use and is not supported by Bitwarden at this stage. It is solely intended to centralize the business logic and to provide a single source of truth for the internal applications. As the SDK evolves into a more stable and feature complete state we will re-evaluate the possibility of publishing stable bindings for the public. The password manager interface is unstable and will change without warning.
So there are two ways this can go:
they complete the refactor and release it as FOSS
they complete the refactor and change the clients to be proprietary
I’m going to stick with them until I see what they do once they complete the refactor.
To be fair? Nowhere are they even suggesting they would release the SDK as FOSS, but they do say their password manager is open source. It seems like they just want a FOSS shell so they can claim it’s open source for but keep their business logic closed source.
That’s the second way it could go. But given their track record of being FOSS when everyone else was proprietary and keeping the source code available, I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and see what they do. For now, “we’ll re-evaluate it again once it’s stable” tells me it’s still on the table. 3 months ago
It says the build error is a bug, not the inclusion of proprietary code. 3 months ago
To be fair, the project page says this:
So there are two ways this can go:
I’m going to stick with them until I see what they do once they complete the refactor. 3 months ago
To be fair? Nowhere are they even suggesting they would release the SDK as FOSS, but they do say their password manager is open source. It seems like they just want a FOSS shell so they can claim it’s open source for but keep their business logic closed source. 3 months ago
That’s the second way it could go. But given their track record of being FOSS when everyone else was proprietary and keeping the source code available, I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and see what they do. For now, “we’ll re-evaluate it again once it’s stable” tells me it’s still on the table.