That, and as we’ve discussed in previous episodes, Ars isn’t the story so much as he’s the instrument through which the story is told, with the primary focus being those in Ars’s inner circle (e.g., Mireille, Rietz, et al).
That, and as we’ve discussed in previous episodes, Ars isn’t the story so much as he’s the instrument through which the story is told, with the primary focus being those in Ars’s inner circle (e.g., Mireille, Rietz, et al). 4 months ago
He’s the duct tape that keeps the story together, without him there would be no story, and if he were to disappear it would dissipate into nothing, plus he serves as our audience proxy. Also i just cannot get enough of him and Licia interacting, they’re too damn adorable! 4 months ago
You know, I wasn’t going to mention Licia, but you’re absolutely correct, and then some!