free healthcare and medical procedures for everyone including prisoners, covering all prescription drugs, free school lunches, decommodifying housing and abolishing landlords, severely limiting the police in favor of various civil servants for most cases, strict gun control and red flag laws, reducing cars in favor of alternative transportation methods and public transit, redesigning cities into 15 minute cities to facilitate that, and I can go on for a long time but you get the gist 4 weeks ago
Yes. This policy is also endorsed by the politician that I voted for.
Yes. This policy is also endorsed by the politician that I voted for.
Yes. This policy is also endorsed by the politician that I voted for.
Yes. This policy is also endorsed by the politician that I voted for.
I believe landlords should exist but in limited circumstances. I.E., your nice old man using a house for his retirement fund who treats his tenants well and gives them a fair price for it. I am completely against corporate and/or foreign landlords who are exploiting people for profit.
Depends on circumstances. A good well trained police force is good, but police shouldn’t be used as therapists. If a problem can be fixed more effectively by not throwing more police at it, then I’m for not throwing police at it.
No idea what this means, apologies
Yes, and one of my main Christian influences in my life was a civil servant who advocated and worked for this
Yes. That’s a great idea. 4 weeks ago
cool. I think you’re wrong about abortion on grounds of personal freedom, but at least you’re not a hypocrite.