Comment on China debuts a record-smashing 26 MW offshore wind turbine ⁨5⁩ ⁨weeks⁩ ago

I am not sure how up to date and accurate this Wikipedia article, but that seems like another substantial step. Looking at the list I am quite surprised by the speed the scale of these wind turbines seems to progress.

Can someone more knowledgeable answer me some questions:

How likely is it that China takes over this industry world wide similar to solar? Specifically what role does (if at all) play logistics in this. Those turbines are massive compared to easily shippable solar panels. So I imagine they’d be much harder to transport and local production could have some advantages, but how much does that matter?

It does seem like all the new largest turbines in prototype phase are from China, but when you scroll to commercially deployed the western manufacturers show up more. Is this just due to different timings in their development cycles or have they dropped out of development for larger turbines?
