5 months ago
travel influencers are so frustratingly ignorant and apathetic.
“look, this supermarket sells bread, I see no oppression here”.
those are not valid, logically coherent thoughts.
“someone is walking to a bus stop, I haven’t seen a beating in the streets in the entire 7 minutes it took me to walk to a restaurant outside my hotel in the tourist sector of the largest provincial city.”
“a library? libraries aren’t totalitarian!”
“in conclusion, I’ve eaten dumplings at an airport cafe, rented a bicycle, and bought a hat from a market stall for 18 euro all withput seeing a single uniformed Nazi tattooing anybody in the middle of the street on the way to my dumplings! I don’t know what these disabled victims, journalists and human rights activists are talking about!” 5 months ago
Stop thinking of them as people, they are just meat space for brands. Like a billboard or those little posters above urinals.