Its 3 right? Why can’t ai guess that one? 4 months ago
I’d love to debate politics with you but first tell me how many r’s are in the word strawberry. (AI models are starting to get that answer correct now though) 4 months ago 4 months ago
Llms look for patterns in their training data. So like if you asked 2+2= it would look its training and finds high likelihood the text that follows 2+2= is 4. Its not calculating, its finding the most likely completion of the pattern based on what data it has.
But a new model chatgpt-o1 checks against itself in ways i dont fully understand and scores like 85% on international mathematic standardized test now so they are making great improvements there. 4 months ago
Over simplification but partly it has to do with how LLMs split language into tokens and some of those tokens are multi-letter. To us when we look for R’s we split like S - T - R - A - W - B - E - R - R - Y where each character has its own token, but LLMs split it something more like STR - AW - BERRY which makes predicting the correct answer difficult without a lot of training on the specific problem. If you asked it to count how many times STR shows up in “strawberrystrawberrystrawberry” it would have a better chance. 4 months ago
Thanks, you explained it well enough this layman kinda gets it! 4 months ago
I tried this with Gemini. Regardless of the number of rs in a word (zero to 3), it said two. 4 months ago
So ask it about a made up or misspelled word - “how many r’s in the word strauburrry” or ask it something with no answer like “what word did I just type?”. Anything other than, “you haven’t typed anything yet” is wrong. 4 months ago
But it’s a phrase you typed, the very one that contains the question, unless you ask by voice or in a picture