lol man is just a game. Let me have fun exploring hidden rooms. No one is committing a crime by modifying their own game save.
Comment on Nintendo Targets YouTube Accounts Showing Emulated Games 5 months agoBecause:
Due to an amendment in December 2018 of the Unfair Competition Prevention Act in Japan, certain gaming-related activities and services have now been declared illegal. This includes:
- Distribution of tools and programs for modifying game saves
- Selling product keys and serials online without the software maker’s permission
- Game save and console modding services
As such, sales of products such as Pro Action Replay and Cybergadget’s “Save editor” have been discontinued.…/save_game_editors_and_console_moddin…
It’s meant to ban sale of hardware devices and services that allow playing pirated games on Switch and such, but due to the way it’s worded it just bans them all. 5 months ago 5 months ago
For some of us, finding ways to cheat IS the game. 5 months ago
In other words, Japan apparently hates property rights. 5 months ago
Can’t wait for Nintendo to sue Microsoft because VS Code can be used to edit save files.