They’re scared of being labelled as ‘weak on National security’, ‘weak on terrorism’ and ‘antisemitic’ by the coalition.
Whats the issue for Labor here, are there really that many people in Aus that blindly side with Israel that its electorally suicidal to come out and say, ‘we’re with the rest of the world’? If so, then we should look at ourselves. 5 months ago 5 months ago
Lol, like anyone would take Dutton seriously if he tried to label anoyher party as bigoted. He already tried and failed. Unfortunately, labors .isguided support for Israels awful policies and genocide will alineate more voters and were already seeing disaffected youth increasing right wing support worldwide. 5 months ago
It’s because we’ve hitched our wagon to the U.S. and we’re not allowed to say or do anything that’ll piss them off. It’ll only get worse with AUKUS, and arguably that’s the point of it - to lock us in to dependence and obedience to the U.S.