Comment on FFT-based ocean-wave rendering, implemented in Godot 5 months agothe fact that it was of no use for you, doesn’t mean it was useless for everyone.
Comment on FFT-based ocean-wave rendering, implemented in Godot 5 months agothe fact that it was of no use for you, doesn’t mean it was useless for everyone. 5 months ago
I can’t imagine that anybody has a use for this to begin with. There is literally nothing to tell us what it is.
There is no title and no content. Not even a brief description telling the reader what it is they are looking at. 5 months ago
You just sound like a grumpy old man. “What!? An actual technology in my ! !? Outrageous! Back in my day we threw rocks at stuff like that!” 5 months ago
Your finishing comment just shows that you didn’t understand the issues I had with the post to begin with. But that’s just probably a communication issue, I might’ve not been as clear as I could be. 5 months ago
??? What’s this then? Image
Second one is a skill issue to me. There, like, half of the posts are just a link to an orticle on another site. If you’re not interested in the information you see, that’s your problem. Go read something else, there’s plenty of sites on the web.
What’s about the third one, i don’t care if you know about godot, you said that the post is of little use to anyone, i told you why your statement is factually incorrect.
I understood perfectly what you’ve tried to say. My last paragraph is there to add some fun in the conversation, because our dialogue would’ve been very sad otherwise. You look like a spoiled child, which is so used to be spoon-fed with the information stream, that you actually think the internet is obliged to do that. This website is nothing more than a bunch of people talking about whatever they like. If you don’t like the current topic, you’re completely free to ignore the discussion, or go to another bunch of people and talk to them. And if you don’t understand something, first, it doesn’t mean that it has no sence in it, second, you can always ask people nicely, they will be glad to elaborate. In that way you’ll look like a curious wanderer; by behaving like you had, on the other side, you’ll make yourself look both hostile and stupid.