Comment on TSMC execs allegedly dismissed Sam Altman as ‘podcasting bro’ — OpenAI CEO made absurd requests for 36 fabs for $7 trillion
Imagine never hearing the word “No.” as a complete sentence ever again in your life.
Or when you do just assuming you can override them eventually
We had a guy like that at work, he said basically “how far above you do I have to go to get what I want”
That’s not a bad power to have if you use it for good
He wanted a second laptop dock for home when we had limited supply and not everyone had one yet 5 months ago
Or when you do just assuming you can override them eventually
We had a guy like that at work, he said basically “how far above you do I have to go to get what I want” 5 months ago
That’s not a bad power to have if you use it for good 5 months ago
He wanted a second laptop dock for home when we had limited supply and not everyone had one yet