It’s not…it’s a step in the direction of making sure the government knows everything about you at all times.
Comment on U.S. to ban Chinese, Russian software and hardware used in autonomous vehicles 5 months ago
I wonder if this could be a step in the direction of forcing manufacturers to allow custom/open source/audited software in all vehicles. If it can be done in some foreign-made vehicles, it can be done in domestically made ones too.
Also note that it says “connected and autonomous vehicles”. If that means two categories, “connected vehicles” and “autonomous vehicles”, it could be quite broadly applied to vehicles that download updates over the air. If it means “autonomous vehicles that are connected” it could be somewhat narrow and an easy work around is to leave the autonomous vehicles disconnected from the internet. I’m not sure how much self-driving abilities are run on servers? 5 months ago 5 months ago
They may also mean “connected” in the sense of cara connected to each other. Having autonomous cars updating each other in real time would be a huge leap forward for automation, but is also a dangerous attack vector if a foreign actor poisoned that data. 5 months ago
Good point! If vehicles are communicating like that, which I’ve always thought would be the ultimate for efficiency, you’d have to protect against poison pills. That would be even more difficult with disparate systems cooperating.
Reminds me of the car “chase” scene in I, Robot. 5 months ago
When a light turns green every car should start accelerating at the same time, it doesn’t happen with people driving. Traffic jams will plummet with cars communicating eventually. It’s far off but it would be nice.