Comment on Why US tech giants are threatening to quit the UK ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

“There’s a clear message here - the European Union is a more attractive place to start a business than the United Kingdom,” raged chief executive Brad Smith. The CMA has since re-opened negotiations with Microsoft.

This is especially damning because the EU is also introducing strict rules in the same vein - but it is collectively a much larger and therefore more valuable market.

Tricky one this. The UK is making its own decisions regarding regulations in this sector no doubt spurred on by belief in “Brexit freedoms” and it just so happens that they don’t align with the deregulation that US tech companies want. They also coincidentally look a lot like the regulation the EU is pushing through but minus the market share. Not exactly a win win situation.

Maybe the lesson here is that smaller states / markets need fewer regulations to be competitive? Or perhaps the opposite: larger states / markets can afford to apply more regulation. The UK has opted to select the worst of both options: smaller market higher regulations.
