4 months ago
I think something this momental would make it so that the world won’t allow us to forget even if the news does. Think about it. Imagine the fallout that would follow finding out that we’re not alone in the universe, that there’s something out there way smarter than us and have been in contact with our government. How did contact the government? How long have they been in contact? Are they here already? People would probably go a little bit crazy initially. Doomsday peppers would stock up, like what happened during covid, religious fanatics would probably go haywire because what if aliens had something to do with shaping religion? Then there’s the scientific stuff. How are they comminicating? How can the government keep contact? There’d probably be people calling the government into question because how can they hide something so momental from is for however long they have? Then the other governments of the world to. What would they say? Would they be contact to? Would they start fighting because they’re not in contact and want to be? I think the world would go crazy enough that’d we’d feel the effects for a while and definately longer than until Halloween.