Body on frame, only on the F150, that’s not snobbery, that’s just reality, work trucks need that.
Comment on Ford Chairman & CEO Jim Farley Wakes After Decade-long Nap, Shocked By China's EVs - CleanTechnica 5 months agoWhat makes them not real? They’re shaped like a truck and they operare purely on batteries, what more could there be? I get the feeling that this is truck-snobbery like the ford vs chevy guys from 20-30 years ago 5 months ago 5 months ago
So you are leaving out the adjective “work” on purpose when you say “not a truck” because…?
Why are you being deceptive? What do you gain from that? 5 months ago
If a truck isn’t for work then it’s a big car with a bed.
People carry more than lumber, some even have a goose neck receiver in their truck’s bed or a camper that goes in the bed and that isn’t compatible with anything but a good old body on frame truck bed.
If you want a truck that’s unibody just get a smaller car and a trailer. 5 months ago
It is truck snobbery. It’s a truck, the definition of a truck is a large motor vehicle used to transport goods, materials, or troops. His response is straight up gate keeping, like the people who will tell you a mustang mach-e isn’t a real mustang since it’s not shitting a bunch of CO2 into the atmosphere.