GDPR is a start, but we need to actually ban it, not just annoy people until they click Accept at the 20th popup of that tantalising offer to share your details with 1473 trusted data partners.
Comment on US can’t ban TikTok for security reasons while ignoring Temu, other apps, TikTok argues 5 months ago
It’s time to start taxing the acquisition, retention, and selling/trading of personal data.
Actually, that time was 40 years ago. 5 months ago 5 months ago
You can just click deny instead. The law says the site must make it easy to do so. 5 months ago
There’s a bunch of newspapers already with the option between pay for privacy plus or accept tracking.
Fortunately there’s a third option which is leave the site and never come back.
Plus most of the sites will ask you again after a period of time. Until you say yes. After that they can strangely remember your choice. 5 months ago
There’s a bunch of newspapers already with the option between pay for privacy plus or accept tracking.
The EU has ruled that this isn’t sufficient and that people shouldn’t have to pay for privacy.
Of course, companies in the USA won’t care, except for customers in California (thanks, CCPA and CPRA). 5 months ago
ohhh data collection taxation, I like it. You would think it would be a no-brainer but look at marijuana taxation and the continued resistance to rake in all that public funding. Would make most of the controversy around AI disappear if they tax it’s collection. 5 months ago
Google and Microsoft would be scrambling to pay off every single person associated with that before it ever hit the first courtroom floor.