Comment on solar PV → heat pump → water heater; direct, no A/C or intermediate components. Practical? Feasible? 5 months agoIt can be programmed to do so, but I disabled it as I am not particularly concerned about it, and the solar thermal vacuum tubes also connected to the same tank will occasionally push it to near boiling temperatures.
I originally also thought it would be useful to dehumidify the air, but in reality the times when you need to heat water and the same time have a humidity problem rarely overlap in my case. Maybe if you have a perpetually humid cellar that you don’t use much otherwise (as the exhaust air is quite cold) it would be a good addition. 5 months ago
So I’m guessing you have some kind of mixing valve set up to handle this going out? Also, are the tanks rated to that high of temperatures? 5 months ago
Yes to both.