Late twenties as well. Unfortunately, my machine hasn’t made a difference for me yet, which has been pretty difficult. Hopefully a solution is in my future
Seconded! I found out in my late twenties that I was waking up every three minutes, all night long. I used to sleep 10-18 hours a day if I could get the time, and was still exhausted.
I won’t even nap without my breathing machine now; the difference is shocking. 5 months ago 5 months ago
Man, that sucks. I hope you get a solution soon. 5 months ago
My nurses always complement me for using it 99% of the time. I can’t understand why someone would not use it. 5 months ago
I think for some folks there’s something primal going on, a feeling of being trapped when things are over their faces that they can’t shake. It seems like something deep-seated and unconscious, really hard to get past. I get that way if I can’t freely move my arms and legs while sleeping, but the face has never been so bad.
I wish I knew some advice I could give that would help people struggling but whenever food, sex, or sleep is involved, we’re still weird fleshy worm tubes twitching our way through a hostile world.