Comment on Why Do People Still Play Destiny 2? 5 months agoGoes for Raid design too…
Take a group of 6, split into three groups of two.
A, B, and C.
A go to the right, B go to the left, C stay in the center.
Do the thing, then rotate, A to B, B to C, C to A.
Do it again. Rotate again. Do it again. Rotate again.
Damage phase. Repeat until someone screws up and you all die or boss is dead. 5 months ago
It’s funny is how gorgeous the endgame content looks. Sure it plays out very much in the same way, but it’s kinda crazy how hard they go in visuals on parts of the game that very few players can reach. I’m not opposed to this in principle, mind you.
But yeah the raids and dungeons didn’t really grip me in the end. Pretty as they are, there’s a lot of arbitrary systems at play which kill my engagement.