Comment on 'Cities: Skylines II' Found a Solution for High Rents: Get Rid of Landlords 5 months ago
“First of all, we removed the virtual landlord so a building’s upkeep is now paid equally by all renters,” the developer posted in a blog on the game’s Steam page. “Second, we changed the way rent is calculated.” Now, Colossal Order says, it will be based on a household’s income: “Even if they currently don’t have enough money in their balance to pay rent, they won’t complain and will instead spend less money on resource consumption.” 5 months ago
There’s a difference between “we removed landlords and prices went down” and “we allowed anyone to pay as much as they can, especially if they’re poor, and somehow now the average rent is lower”.
Clickbait title, but lemmy swallows as usual, cuz it fits the narrative.