Comment on Student dorm does not allow wifi routers 5 months agoThat might be one of the concern, but the TOS clearly doesn’t state that. They only prohibit against attaching multiple devices to the network. If you attach it to your desktop PC, it could be considered not on the network as long as you don’t bridge the two connections together. 5 months ago
That’s in the OP, so it specifically calls out any kind of wireless access point.
Yeah, it might not be on the network, but the prohibition doesn’t seem to be limited to network-connected devices. Bridging from your phone to your AP/router w/o touching the network may still be against TOS. 5 months ago
Oh yeah, they did mention that clause. I guess you can still limit the power of the wireless router so it doesn’t penetrate too far outside the rooms, as well as using bands that is not as congrsted. That might be good enough to comply to the TOS, or it might not. 5 months ago
Oh sure. Personally, I would just break the rule and drop the transmit power on my router, banking on them not bothering to enforce it. They’ll most likely give a warning first, especially since the dorm rep said it would be fine. I have broken plenty of dorm rules, yet never got as much as an email because I made sure my rule-breaking didn’t bother other people so nobody reported it.
A lot of times, those rules are in place because someone ruined things for everyone and they added it so they have something to point to. If you don’t cause problems with others, it shouldn’t be an issue.