Comment on The Irony of 'You Wouldn't Download a Car' Making a Comeback in AI Debates 5 months agoDammit, so my comment to the other person was a mix of a reply to this one and the last one… not having a good day for language processing, ironically.
Specifically on the dragonfly thing, I don’t think I’ll believe myself naive for writing that post or this one. Dragonflies arent very complex and only really have a few behaviours and inputs. We can accurately predict how they will fly. I brought up the dragonfly to mention the limitations of the current tech and concepts. Given the worlds computing power and research investment, the best we can do is a dragonfly for intelligence.
To be fair, Scientists don’t entirely understand neurons and ML designed neuron-data structures behave similarly to very early ideas of what brains do but its based on concepts from the 1950s. There are different segments of the brain which process different things and we sort of think we know what they all do but most of the studies AI are based on is honestly outdated neuroscience. OpenAI seem to think if they stuff enough data into this language processor it will become sentient and want an exemption from copyright law so they can be profitable rather than actually improving the tech concepts and designs.
Newer neuroscience research suggest neurons perform differently based on the brain chemicals present, they don’t all always fire at every (or even most) input and they usually present a train of thought, I.e. thoughts literally move around in the brains areas. This is all very different to current ML implementations and is frankly a good enough reason to suggest the tech has a lot of room to develop. I like the field of research and its interesting to watch it develop but they can honestly fuck off telling people they need free access to the world’s content.
TL;DR dragonflies aren’t that complex and the tech has way more room to grow. However, they have to generate revenue to keep going so they’re selling a large inference machine that relies on all of humanities content to generate the wrong answer to 2+2.