This isn’t college.
And that’s not how AI works.
AI literally just copies bits of lots of sources and cobbles it together.
It has no idea what any of it means. We learn via experience. AI models won’t
If I write a reference book, I need to reference my source if I’m quoting things. Even if I saw it in 2 different books .
AI does not
Question… if there is only 1 source of information on a topic, and AI needs to reference it, what happens? It basically just copies it and changes a few words. No reference to the original author. It doesn’t even know.
If I read a book into a podcast and change a few words, take credit and don’t give any to the original author is that ok?
It’s not AI. That’s a marketing term like blockchain. Its just a combined data scraper with some random data. 4 months ago
I know how AI works. I was using collage to show that it’s much less transformative than AI while still being accepted.
It also doesn’t copy bits. It has an internal network of bits and it shifts their weight with each images. It’s learning from the images akin to how a human would, not copying. This is far from a perfect analogy, there’s a mountain that separates a human brain from a neural network, it’s just that both processes would be copying under your definition.
This is a tool to help and guide. In terms of LLMs, trying to get references out of it is just a terrible use case. It’s suppose to be verified at all times and clearly should never be itself quoted.
For images, this is like expecting each artists to reference what influenced them. Having unrealistic thoroughly invented expectations doesn’t mean the tech is failing or bad.
This kind of attitude has some weird “everything has to be true on the internet” vibe. I wouldn’t expect actual truth and references from reddit posts, I don’t understand why people expect it from a guided rng machine.
If you read a hundred books and then built a podcast episode on what you learned from all those book, that would be okay and is a lot closer to what llms are doing.
That’s what AI is. 98% of machine learning is scrapping data and training models on it.