Like if I download a textbook to read for a class instead of buying it - I could be proscecuted for stealing
Ehh, no almost certainly not. That honestly just sounds like some corporate boogyman to prevent you from pirating their books. The person hosting the download, if they did not have the rights to publicize it freely, would possibly be prosecuted though.
To illustrate, there’s this story of John Cena who sold a special Ford after signing a contract with Ford to explicitly forbid him from doing that. However, the person who bought the car was never prosecuted or sued, because they received the car from Cena with no strings attached. They couldn’t be held responsible for Cena’s break of contract, but Cena was held personally responsible by Ford. 5 months ago
And they’ve downloaded and read millions of books without paying for them.
Do you have a source on that? 5 months ago
Most AI models used Books3 as part of their dataset which is a collection of pirated books. Here are a few articles talking about it:…/anthropic-copyright-lawsuit-pirate……/102914538…/675063/ 5 months ago
Thank you