Comment on Apple stands by decision to terminate account belonging to WWDC student winner | TechCrunch 6 months ago“Don’t be a scam” is the guideline being broken here.
And the consistent quality and UX expectations are a part of why iOS developers make a lot more money. 6 months ago
App Store is full of scams and predatory apps. And holy shit rofl at the “consistent quality.” Steve’s been dead for over a decade and his vision of iOS has been dead for longer. 6 months ago
Not compared to android it isn’t.
The floor is far, far higher on iOS than android and the experience is much more consistent, and that’s why I and many others buy iPhones. 6 months ago
It’s genuinely not. App Store review is fully automated and chock full of holes. Anyone telling you there is less malware per capita on the App Store than the Play Store is either a decade behind on their talking points or lying to you. I use Apple for mobile and tablet needs because they offer good hardware with a seamless platform experience, not because installing random garbage on their storefronts is safer – it’s not. 6 months ago
We’re not talking 5/10 vs 5.5/10. The play store is 2/10 and the App Store is 7 or 8. It’s not even vaguely ambiguous. The quality is not remotely comparable.