That’s is just barely close to what actually happened.
Well that’s is my interpretation of what I heard happened. If you were there I’d be glad to hear what you saw.
That’s is just barely close to what actually happened.
Well that’s is my interpretation of what I heard happened. If you were there I’d be glad to hear what you saw. 6 months ago
If we’re assuming that all allegations are true, Trump didn’t do anything. A member of his team did “show an absolute lack of respect for the solemnity and sanctity of our national military cemetery” to put it in your words, but there’s no claim that Trump participated in such actions nor that he directed or encouraged them. Unless I’m wrong, and there are articles saying Trump said “keep pushing that federal government employee homie” and I just missed those. 6 months ago
I guess I can’t argue with that. I thought he was a “strong leader” but it turns out he’s not in charge of anything? Ok.