Comment on Interesting to see how dead the MMO genre has become. Are there still players around? 6 months agoI miss that feeling a little bit. My undiagnosed-ADHD highschool self with like 18 characters hovering around level 20, never maxing one out because the ~30-40 slog was real, just chatting up strangers for fun while hopping around various towns’ mailboxes and occasionally actually doing game content. (Remember when Barrens chat was a meme for basically being like the /b/ of WoW? LOL)
… And it didn’t feel like impending doom or that I was somehow wasting my life away. It’s just what I did after school and that was alright.
It’s how I met my wife though, so it all worked out. :)
I could go on for days but WoW’s peak was a neat way to build social skills but being behind an avatar kept you from being too vulnerable.
I feel like online gaming now has gotten so anti-social and that the mere fear of potential toxicity just has everyone locked up and suspicious; Afraid to talk to anyone they don’t already know. Thanks to, what, basically Discord? Game chats are completely dead.
I remember trying Guild Wars 2 and thinking every other player might as well just be a bot because nobody interacted. :( 6 months ago
I’m sorry that was your experience, but this is very much opposite of mine. Not only is the game still going strong (new expac came out like two weeks ago btw, and it’s pretty good!), but in all my years playing (and that’s been since Day 1), I’ve had so many fun interactions in the game.
And that’s without even counting the ones with my guilds. I’ve even had some fun chats in ranked PvP, the saltiest place in the game. I’m playing in European servers, which probably doesn’t change much versus NA, but yeah, there are often conversations going on in map chat, or locally, between total strangers. Also between teams in WvW, during events, during festivals, waiting at the Wall after the Chak Gerent…
It’s a very friendly community and I encourage you to give it another try! And yeah, if you can find a guild suited to your tastes it’s even better!