Comment on ruzzia is the only country unaware of the gun problem in the US 6 months agoOh, non-credible? Then let me just give you other sources:
- …台灣百萬網紅頻被抓包新疆大外宣-九天玄女-阿翰-句話堵住大家的嘴-03400…
would be almost zero if China’s ambition was genocial
Sorry I really laughed out load for this. I will tell you why there are such people: because that’s how Chinese works. As long as you don’t talk about politics and any conflicts around China, they just look like normal people, they are kind and cheerful; but when you actually touched on the topic, they just turn into genocidal psychopaths. As a Chinese myself, this just made me stop talking about politics in the public; even when they try to move to a political topic like Messi Mess, I will just try to move to other topics